Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Take a strand of white lights and . . .

A strand of 35 lights and a glass block from a home improvement store make a great way to highlight a dark room corner.

A friend made this for me for Christmas and I love it! After drilling a hole in the back (not the bottom) of the block, insert a 20- or 35-light strand with the plug to the outside. Tie a ribbon around it to look like a pretty package if you want and choose ribbon colors with the room in mind where you intend to place the block.

It takes patience when drilling as you need to go slow in order not to crack the glass. HGTV's message board has a few good tips for drilling glass blocks. Plus there are a lot of alternatives to the ribbon. A web search yielded all sorts of decorated glass blocks filled with light strands and nightlight-size single bulb sockets. Hmm, I could make a different one for every room and occasion . . .

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